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Our services are provided through donations.......

Walk Into Your Inheritance Outreach Ministries are made possible by individuals, churches, foundations and others who make monetary gifts, donate clothing, food and toiletries, a variety of in-kind items and volunteer time.

Cash Donations

Thank You!!

Walk Into Your Inheritance Outreach Ministries depends upon the financial support of donors like you to continue and expand our capacity to serve the homeless, shut-in, sick, the poor, veterans and to all families that are suffering from lack, whatever the need is, we are here to help. We believe in reaching down to help others through the act of giving and love. We truly love going out into the communities and spreading love, joy and happiness. Everybody is somebody in the eyesight of GOD! 

Donate Clothing & Food

Homeless neighbors have little options for clothing. When clothes are soiled or wet, they must be discarded. Also there are certain clothing items that will not be worn by those carrying back packs, and those with no homes, washing machines or clothes closets. To be able to freely give proper clothing that can be worn, these suggestions should help you when preparing a donation to Walk Into Your Inheritance Outreach Ministries. We appreciate your desire to help those in need, and we thank you.

Clothing needed for both ladies, men and children: Blue jeans, other casual pants, t-shirts, tops, New Underwear, socks, backpacks, food and toiletries, shoes.

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